8th Newsletter
Developments theme Domestic Violence and Child Abuse

Dear Reader,

You are receiving the eighth newsletter, and the third of this year, from the Public Entity Bonaire on the Administrative Agreement on Domestic Violence and Child Abuse (HGKM).

Agreements have been made to address HGKM across five pillars, outlined in said Administrative Agreement. This newsletter provides key developments for each pillar. Feel free to forward the newsletter to your colleagues.

We wish you much reading pleasure!

Pillar 1. Prevention


During Parenting Week, held from October 7 to 13, we focused on arguing and how to handle it. Through four motion graphics, we provided tips on ways to calm down when feeling angry. We also emphasized the importance of listening to each other’s perspectives, as both your opinion and those of others matter. Furthermore, we highlighted how finding common ground together is possible even when opinions differ. Additionally, three teachers shared their experiences on managing arguments in the classroom and restoring harmony. You can rewatch everything through the following links.

1. My opinion is important, but so is yours, which is why I need to listen to you carefully.
Adults: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/pZ6gGV2DMU7ZrEPH/
Youth: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DBD9aKgvDQN/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

2. If you’re angry, take a deep breath and count from 10 to 1.
Adults: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/Tvs7hsV5cnjw8s6B/
Youth: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DA5qPyIMLt9/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA=

3. We all have arguments; what’s important is that we know how to resolve them and make amends.
Adults: https://www.facebook.com/SentroAksesoBoneiru/videos/1339425794132241
Youth: https://www.instagram.com/p/DBZenuGuWJl/

4. Can I have a different opinion than you without us having a conflict?

Adults: https://www.facebook.com/SentroAksesoBoneiru/videos/8580342538746243
Youth: https://www.instagram.com/p/DBZdy5HhsYy/

Video teachers
1a How do you deal with arguments in the classroom?

1b How do you deal with arguments in the classroom?


2 How do you bring back harmony into the classroom?

During the Week of Respect, from November 11 to 17, a conversation between two professionals, who will discuss the topics of the Motion Graphics, will be made available online.

Week against child abuse, Day of children’s rights and other days

The Week against Child Abuse takes place from November 18 to 24, and on Wednesday, November 20, we commemorate the Day of Children’s Rights. For this occasion, Akseso is organizing the annual lantern procession on Friday, November 22. Instead of on Monday morning, this year the annual kick-off of the Week against Child Abuse will take place on Tuesday morning by Care and Youth.

To complete the list of international dates on this theme: November 19 is Men’s Day, November 25 is the Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and December 10 is Human Rights Day. Keep an eye on our social media!

Pijler 2. Deskundigheidsbevordering


MBO Education Program for Childcare Pedagogical Worker

The 2nd year BOL students of the MBO program Childcare Pedagogical Program level 3 and 4 will once more receive lessons in identifying signs and discussing HGKM in the school year 2024-2025. This will probably take place in the period of February-April. This is a follow-up to the pilot module HGKM, which started in the school year 2022-2023 at the MBO. In addition, lessons may be given to the MBO Teaching Assistants.

HGKM Attention Officers

Sixteen employees from the care sector, primary education, police and healthcare workers will complete their six-day training to become attention officers on November 14. Every organization has an attention officer who acts as a sparring partner for colleagues when it comes to HGKM.

The training will be scheduled again in the first half of 2025. Registration is possible at hendrina.garretsen@bonairegov.com .


In a 5-day training, over 20 aspiring officers will learn the theory of HGKM, how to identify signs, risk and protective factors, how to start a conversation with perpetrators and victims, how to perform a child check, and how to respond adequately to situations of HGKM. How can officers contribute to helping to break the spiral of violence and what can their own actions mean in this process? Role-playing /practical simulations will be practiced.

Childcare, Jong Bonaire and family doctors

At the moment, the childcare services providers are being coached in creating and implementing the Protection Code implementation plan. Some providers request additional in-depth study of the theme for all their employees, which is being taken up by our pool of trainers. For example, various presentations were held during study days and other meetings at childcare centers and in November we will be allowed to fill in an entire day at Kinderopvang Boks.

We are also allowed to train and present (periodically) to family doctors and at other organizations, such as Jong Bonaire.


The lessons at MBO and the coaching of childcare staff are in collaboration with BES(t) 4 Kids and trainers in domestic violence and child abuse from OLB, Probation services, primary care assistant practitioners for Family doctors and Care and Youth (HGKM trainers).

The collaborating partners hope that this will help the pedagogical staff to better recognize situations of domestic violence and child abuse, to discuss these with parents and to jointly seek help if necessary.

Pillar 3. Chain collaboration

Collaboration agreements Guiami and Tabitha

The director of Akseso /Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Advice and Reporting Center Guiami and the interim director of Krusada /Women’s shelter Tabitha of Krusada made agreements about their collaboration.

On July 11, 2024, they confirmed these agreements by signing a collaboration agreement. Thanks to thins collaboration they can better help victims of domestic violence or child abuse. The photo shows the representatives of Akseso and Krusada. Photo : Krusada.

Family Justice Center

The existing building of the community center Antriol Pabou at Kaya Gatu will be renovated for the construction of the Family Justice Center (FJC). Fundashon Cas Bonairiano is the executor of this construction on behalf of Public Entity Bonaire. The construction work is currently in full swing, and the building is expected to be completed as a shell by early 2025. After that, the interior and exterior decoration will need to be done before the building can be put into use by Guiami. Below is an impression photo of what the building will look like.

At the FJC, assistance will be provided in a way that allows citizens to tell their story only once, in order to receive help. This ensures that help is given in a safe and efficient manner to adults, youth, and children dealing with domestic violence and child abuse.

The FJC is a center where all professionals work together to provide the best possible support and assistance to anyone facing domestic violence or child abuse.

Pillar 4. Reporting structure

Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Advice and Reporting Center Guiami has been part of Akseso since January 1, 2022. The website of Akseso can be viewed in four languages via www.aksesobon.com.

Guiami has its own website: www.meldpuntguiami.com, which can be accessed both directly as via the Akseso website. Their contact numbers are 0802 0802 and mobile/via WhatsApp. +599 700 2263.

Pijler 5. Juridisch kader

Protection code

The HGKM Protection Code is regulated in the General Administrative Order (AMvB) Social Support (MO) and Domestic Violence and Child Abuse (HGKM). The MO regulates social support for residents of the Caribbean Netherlands. The aim is for residents to be able to live independently at home for as long as possible and to be able to participate in as many activities as possible that take place in society. Furthermore, the AMvB stipulates that citizens and professionals can go to an HGKM advice and reporting center in the event of signs of domestic violence and child abuse. The right to report for professionals and the HGKM Protection Code are also laid down. The HGKM component is elaborated in the Legal Guidelines BES, that are available digitally via www.nomasnomore.nl and soon also in hard copy.

Temporary restraining order

The aim of this pilot is to bring peace on a voluntary basis to a family where HGKM takes place and assistance is provided for the duration of the order.

The first concept report on the process of the Temporary Restraining Order has been discussed with the working group. Subsequently, additional discussions have taken place with chain partners who could provide information on topics that were not yet sufficiently discussed and/or known. The report can be completed in October, so that an Administrative Consultation can take place in November, to start the implementation of the work process in 2025.

Ultimately, there must be an opinion on whether a legal measure on the temporary restraining order in the Caribbean Netherlands is possible and necessary. In addition, an (online) training is being developed for employees who play a role in the implementation of the temporary restraining order.

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